Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Doing make-up for friend's sister's wedding, how much should I charge?

She has 7 women total that need their faces done. I do make-up for fun and love it but I'm not sure how to charge for it. I use Mary Kay cosmetics from bottom to top and it looks amazing. I will probably be driving to location. Any suggestions?Doing make-up for friend's sister's wedding, how much should I charge?
1) A friend's sister? Offer to do it for free, but accept any tip that they offer. You shouldn't charge friends for helping, especially for something that you love to do.

If you sell Mary Kay, great, maybe they'll want to purchase products. If not, but you're trying to build a makeup application business, you can always charge any referrals that you get from doing this for free.

A multi-million dollar national concrete company started 30 years ago by doing a driveway for free (they ate the cost of the supplies) just to get started and get referrals.

Since you're not licensed, you need to give to receive.

2) Or, figure how much products you will use up and triple it. Usually, contractors triple the cost of supplies.Doing make-up for friend's sister's wedding, how much should I charge?
When we got our makeup done for my wedding at a salon I believe they charged $40/person. I would think that for family/friends about half price would be fair... less for a child. Make sure that you cover your gas to get there, and the cost of the cosmetics, and its even fine for you to make a little cash off of it. If you are doing it as a favor then maybe even charge a little less, but remember, it would cost a lot more in a salon. So they should be appreciative either way.

If it makes you more comfortable you could always ask her what she was looking to spend on make-up and go from there.
Many places do makeovers for free.. For my friends wedding, we went to Kohls and got free makeup done.. But I think I heard something mentioned about the hairdresser willing to do it for $30 a person.

Look at the time it will take you to do the makeup. Start with that $30 as a base.. X7 people.. $210.. But how many hours would it take? When we got ours done it was nearly an hour on the one girl who didnt take the time before hand to pick out her colors and makeup early.. But these girls could probably do their own foundation and basics, saving time..

Hmm... Its a tough call. Just gotta go with what you feel your time is worth. $30 for one makeover done with YOUR makeup and You traveling to them, may not be bad. But $20 doesnt seem bad either.
A salon would charge at least $30 per woman and you are traveling.

She also is not too close to you for it to be a favor. Were you invited to the wedding originally?

If not, I would say at least $30

If so, maybe $25, either way get her an appropriate wedding gift so she doesn't confuse the issue.
Makeup places usually charge $100 for bridal and $45-50 for maids/special guests.

Since she is your friends sister I'd calculate the cost of the makeup + gas and divide it by 7... do the bride for free and have the rest pay lol. or if the bride insists on paying for everyones makeup just charge her for the makeup and gas and supplies.
Charge A little . Maybe just enough to pay for cosmetics . Its her special day and im sure she is spending enough money already !! plus if you love doing it you will still have fun(: if you do well at it they will probably refer people to you in the future !
You have two choices:

1 - Charge them a fee, maybe enough to cover expenses etc (or make a few bucks)

2 - Give it her as her wedding gift and use it as experience (if you're going to the wedding that is)
I am paying a Bobbi Brown artist $65 per girl to do our makeup. She is coming to my home to do it. My makeup is free since I am the bride. If you are professionally trained, charge at least $50. If you're not trained, I'd do it for free or cost.

Good luck!
Well for your friend don't charge,

I would charge like 20 dollars - remember that some companies offer a free make-over with a purchase of an item.

So base yourself on the expense of that item and charge them like that.
Maybe you can call around a few places that do this professionally and ask how much they charge to get an idea of what is fair.
If this is a good friend and you would be asked to the wedding, give this as your gift to the bride.
60 bucks...

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